Some good advice for our fuel customers, and anyone facing this winter weather.
With the New Year upon us, here are some thoughts and suggestions to get you through the cold of winter warmly and safely, with plenty of fuel in the tank.
- Automatic Delivery: Being on automatic delivery means we will not let you run out of fuel. We can track the temperature and “degree days” to ensure you do not run out of fuel.
- Will Call: If you are a will-call customer, it’s up to you to check your tank and order fuel before you run out. In ordinary times, we need up to a week to schedule your delivery. We will run nights and weekends if we have to during cold snaps to be sure nobody goes cold, but we would rather deliver to you during normal business hours and save you the emergency delivery fee. Systems with propane fuel can take additional time to restart since we need to pressure test the line to ensure there is no gas leak. In the end, if you are will-call, you really need to think ahead, watch the weather – and call us at a ¼ tank, not when you are on empty.
- Clear a path to your fill pipe: The snow and ice may make your fill pipe difficult to access. Help us reach as many customers as possible by clearing a path to your fill pipe. Your deliveryman will thank you!
- Clear those vents: Be sure all the vents around your home are cleared. Blocked intake vents can starve a heating system of much-needed oxygen. Blocked exhaust pipes can mean Carbon Monoxide build up in your home – a potentially deadly outcome.
- Rake your roof: A snow-covered roof sure looks cozy, but it can also lead to ice dams. Look around your home, any icicles? This may be an area where you have an ice dam forming. When temps warm and it starts melting or we get rain, this ice dam may hold water back which can cause real damage to your roof and possibly your home. Clear now – or pay later.
General advice: Here is a link to a FEMA document that covers Winter Readiness in a very thorough and well-organized way. It is an excellent resource for anyone.